“TPS Software Framework” is an independent, stand alone, powerful, and highly extensible, flexible, and maintainable software framework as a set of classes written in PHP programming language that implement the core functionalities required for creating a custom Electronic Organization Management Solution including a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Solution.
An “Electronic Organization Management Solution” is created according to specific Business Logic Requirements of an organization and it enables Integrated Management of all Organizational Resources and Relations, including Documents, Media, and Downloads, Countries, Zones, GeoZones, and Contacts, Departments, User Fields, User Profiles with various classes or roles such as Customers (Clients), Partners (Partnerships), Employees (Collaborators - Human Resources), Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Independent Users, Customer (Client) Relationships and Marketing Resources including Newsletters and Mailing Lists, Relations and Visibility of users to each other, Asynchronous Communications including Message Threads, Ticket Threads, Orders, Requests, and Contracts, Notes, Commerce including Currencies, Taxes, Brands, Products, Services, Subscription Definitions, Shopping Cart, Subscriptions, Invoices, Payments, Shipments, and Expenses, Even Driven Notifications, CRM related functionalities including orders, requests, referrers, pages, affiliates, shipping types, reports, and …, Organizational Events including creations, changes, and deletions, User Groups and Communities, Custom Forms, Records, Tasks and Workflows, across the boundaries of that Organization.
“TPS Framework” can be easily extended to support new types of entities, new classes of user profiles, new types of user contents, new visibility policies, new types of notifications, new types of relations, and new scopes for media management, by a considerably little development effort. Realizing a light and at the same time powerful, extensible, flexible, and maintainable software framework has been the most important principle in designing the architecture of TPS Framework. TPS Framework should ideally provide all the functions required for storing, retrieving, and processing of data in a custom Electronic Organization Management System.